I've worked as a freelance artist/illustrator for a few decades and still counting. I believe I probably qualify as a "Creative"; I have an instinct and affinity for all things visual and enjoy the process of creating something out of nothing; the game of figuring it out, of discovering a way. I have been a student (University of Detroit, Pratt Institute, School of Visual Concepts) and also a teacher (Cornish College of the Arts). I'm in Australia or I'm in the USA or somewhere over the Pacific. Spent some time in India and have an interest in the One behind the many. Love the word "Soul", it has always been what I've wanted to paint. I have done private and corporate commissions as well as my own conceptions. The work shown here is a broad spectrum of my various styles and approaches, I wear a few hats. Drop me a line, always good to hear some feedback.

This is it, the place to make contact, it would be good to hear from you. Feel free to leave a comment, or if you have a particular interest in something you've seen here let me know and we'll see what can be done.
Some originals are available as well as prints at various sizes.
New commissions are also an option.
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